Thursday, March 09, 2006


So I spent two hours working out after consuming that new Mountain Dew energy drink. It didn't work very well. But I also bought a Sobe energy drink called "Addrenaline rush." I'm going to drink it at FCMS. Huzzah. Monty basically said I've fucked him over too many times for him to give me another chance, so that kind of went down the drain. So now... I'll go get high with some buds and fuck around with them. Or something. Ha. Oh, the regrets I have when I get high. *cough cough* Making out with guy that had girlfriend *sputter* Le sigh. Oh well.

My new bass is hurr, my new bass is hurr!! It's GORGEOUS!! Beautiful gold scrollwork, antique violin corners, beautiful shade of brown, solid wood back (Hurray!), gorgeous deep rich tone. And now, I can play just for myself for the sake of listening to me like I do with piano. On my other bass, I couldn't do that, because I didn't like the tone.

Went to my first tobacco class today. Traded Adderoll for pot. How smooth is that? Everyone there looks like potheads. So. Diet pills, energy drinks, barely eating, barfing what I do eat... I'm bound to lose weight soon!!!! *grin*


I can't wait until I'm thin and prettIER (cough cough) that I can go sprinting with me sportsbra. One day... Man, I remember when I was REALLY pretty, and really thin, and I looked hot in my penguin bikini. Lol.

Les Prelude (Liszt) - Still a pain in the ass, slowly getting the runs down
Impresario Concerto (Mozart) - Getting the middle runs sufficiently
Concerto Grosso (Vivaldi) - Had a playing test today and I kicked Jake's ass.

Everything else is easy.


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