Tra la la
So. Today was a laaazy day. I basically did nothing. Go me. I kept waking up around 4 o'clock, so I ate some chocolate and then went back to bed and woke up around 9. And that was when my dad started. I watched TV, ate some more, chilled on the computer, ate some more, played bass, ate, ate pizza, computer, community service. Stuff like that. Tomorrow will be busy enough for the entire weekend though. First church, then 3 WONDERFUL hours of community service (Ugh. That'll teach me never to smoke in school again.), Houston Youth Symphony rehersal, and then Crossfire. And then SLEEP!!!! Wonderful sleep. What is it with teenagers? All they do is eat and sleep. I really don't like it. I'm tired all the freaking time and it leaves me to resort to caffeine and diet pills. Le sigh. Another thing that's bothering the out of me is that fact that... Oh, I don't know. I'VE GAINED 33LBS SINCE I WAS PUT ON THIS ANTI-PSYCHOTIC. I should sue them... I weigh 164! I'm fat! I was in the 130s!! And then BOOM. Next thing I know, I'm past the 150 mark. This make me want to cry... But yeah. Tomorrow we get new music for HYS. The concert for FBSO (an all symphony I'm in) is kind of me. Mainly Les Prelude by Liszt. But we're also playing Grieg's piano concerto which I LOOOOVE. And today, I think dad ordered me the sheet music to Prayer by Ernest Boch, originally written for cello, but I've heard it played on bass and it doesn't seem TOO difficult. I also want to order Chanson Triste by Koussevitzsky, but I don't need it right now. FBSO concert is in March and HYS next season audition is in March. And in March, is my private lesson recital. Urga. But then I'm done for a while. Today on Ebay I found a bass clef charm. It's soooo 1337. Lol. Anyways, I think I'm going to go for tonight and chat on KDX. Later gator.

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