Monty and the "Emo kids"
Bleeech. This month... HYS audition, spring rehersal, FBSO concert. I've decided to use this one excerpt from the bass part of Les Prelude by Liszt for my fast piece instead of Dragonetti's Waltz. So yeah. I definitely I need to work my ASS off on that. So I'm sitting here once again, in broadcasting. It's so00oo00 hard. If any bassist has any kind of tips on using the bow, bowspeed and stuff (I've got fingerings... sort of) on the 2nd page of Les Prelude. I like this. This is my bass blog. <3>But other than bass... Today, my dad told the princibal about those guys messing with me and my chicky friends and they didn't bother me. Ugh. Silent movie project. I've had it for ages, I just haven't even started it yet. I didn't go to 1st, 2nd, or 5th period because I'm slick like that. I ate lunch under the stairwell with Krista and she bit my nose... ASS FRIES!!! I need new clothes. And I need to start running again. Yay for me, aren't I purdy? Pfft. Now I'm blond. Everybody says it looks better. :D When I start high school, I'll dye it all blond again and then tip it black. I wish I could tip it blue, but I don't think I could. I already had my bangs blue and I got yelled at almost every day. Hmm. I need an editorial topic. I need to research the risks for orchestra being taken away from middle school, and why aren't there orchestras in elementary school. Blah. Wooork. And then I have to do this -HUGE- report on Adolf Hitler. Joy. He was such an ugly baby... Then again, he was always ugly. Heh.I'm really psyched about this FBSO concert. It's going to be -AWESOME-!! Anywho. So today I have lessons with Andrew. I have L'elephant down to the point where I need to spend all 30 minutes on Liszt. Le sigh. DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!!! But I'lldo it because later, I'll be happy and when I play it again for other orchestras I'll be even happier. I can't wait for spring break. The friends, the booze, the pot. Ah, finally. Sober for 5 months, and now I will have it.I think I'm going to do my silent movie on bass. Like... I'll be playing, and insert a clip of like.... Prayer by Ernest Bloch (Recorded by Knut Gueller) <-- Which I bought the sheet music for!! :D and then. Uhm. A clip of a record scratching. And then I don't know what will happen next. Something tragic and dramatic. Suggestions? Cha. I'm thinking about appying to HSPVA. But it's too expensive. *sigh* But you know what? Maybe I could audition, convince them I'm -really- good to the point where they really want me there, and thennn they could give me a scholarship. I need to look up on that. Blech. OH! Duh. GRANDPARENTS!!! I want some Coca-cola. I need to do a commercial for broadcasting. "GOT BASS?!" Yeah. I think I'm going to go work on that. Later.
After school:
You know what I hate so0oo much? Two-faced people. Krista told me about this super hot guy, Tray, who apparently keeps trying to say he's emo. But like... Today after school I said outloud that, "People who label themselves are dumb -----." And a lot of them were like, "Okay, see you later." And Tray goes, "Yeah, I hate people like that." >.> And everyone looked at him. Heh. But seriously... Why do they have to be used? Emo is just a short word for emotional, punk is just being different, goth was a race thingy from a different bloody time period. Preps... I don't know, but I don't call people who wear Abercrombie and Hollister preps. Shit, I wear Hollister and have Dyed BLUE hair TOGETHER! I actually wanted to try out for cheerleading. And I have nothing against cheerleaders. They're actually pretty sweet. Phwoar. People are just idiots...
And then there's Monty. Mr. Monty. Secretly, I want to get back with him because no one else cares for me like he does, and I told him that and he just blew me off. He does that all the time now and it just PISSES ME OFF. But then, when you think about the way I treated him for 2 years... He's not giving me half of what he went through. I drove him to the point to where he wanted and/or maybe TRIED to kill himself and he went to the hospital and crap. Like today, he wasside-stepping on a rail and I told him he was going to kill himself and I got a, "I don't give a shit!!" And he never hugs me, and when I asked if I could sit down next to him, he said, "What kind of dumb ass question is that?" Mm, fun. Le sigh. And I blew it. I totally blew it. And I'm to blame! Just... Grr. And honestly, I'm really lonely.
After school:
You know what I hate so0oo much? Two-faced people. Krista told me about this super hot guy, Tray, who apparently keeps trying to say he's emo. But like... Today after school I said outloud that, "People who label themselves are dumb -----." And a lot of them were like, "Okay, see you later." And Tray goes, "Yeah, I hate people like that." >.> And everyone looked at him. Heh. But seriously... Why do they have to be used? Emo is just a short word for emotional, punk is just being different, goth was a race thingy from a different bloody time period. Preps... I don't know, but I don't call people who wear Abercrombie and Hollister preps. Shit, I wear Hollister and have Dyed BLUE hair TOGETHER! I actually wanted to try out for cheerleading. And I have nothing against cheerleaders. They're actually pretty sweet. Phwoar. People are just idiots...
And then there's Monty. Mr. Monty. Secretly, I want to get back with him because no one else cares for me like he does, and I told him that and he just blew me off. He does that all the time now and it just PISSES ME OFF. But then, when you think about the way I treated him for 2 years... He's not giving me half of what he went through. I drove him to the point to where he wanted and/or maybe TRIED to kill himself and he went to the hospital and crap. Like today, he wasside-stepping on a rail and I told him he was going to kill himself and I got a, "I don't give a shit!!" And he never hugs me, and when I asked if I could sit down next to him, he said, "What kind of dumb ass question is that?" Mm, fun. Le sigh. And I blew it. I totally blew it. And I'm to blame! Just... Grr. And honestly, I'm really lonely.
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